How To Unlock Huawei E1732 Idea Net Setter Unlock Software and Firmware
Unlock Huawei E1732 Idea Net Setter Unlock:
If you are searching for how to unlock huawei e1732 data card of idea net setter then you are at correct place. Thousands of users are using huawei e1732 idea net setter for accessing internet and almost all of them have tried to unlock the net setter so that they can use any SIM card in it to get internet connectivity. Yesterday i have unlocked 2 modems of e1732 Idea Net Setter and i can say that the solution which i will be sharing is 100% tested by me and working perfectly.Note: Huawei e1732 Idea Net Setter is using idea net setter e173du-1 hardware (see following screen shot)
If you have any doubt or facing any problem at any moment, put your comment after this post. So
without wasting time refer below step by step guide with screen shots for you, which will help you to
unlock your e1732 modem.
Prerequisites (Things which will be required as a raw material):
1. An internet connection (in case net setter data card require device drive then it can download
them from internet directly).
2. Disable Antivirus if you have any (I am using Eset Nod32 which i have disabled during unlock
3. You must have to download two files, 1) Download CDMA Workshop Full version and
2) Huawei e1732 downgrade firmware. (7zip will be needed to unzip the cdma workshop files)
4. Make sure that your modem is detected in your PC and you should know the PORT number
on which your modem is connected.
5. Insert any SIM in modem Excepting idea (don’t insert idea SIM).
Steps To Unlock Huawei E1732 Idea Net Setter
1. Disable Antivirus till the time unlocking is finished, because the crack of “CDMA Workshop
v2.7” will be automatically deleted by your antivirus software.
2. Insert Idea Net Setter modem in you PC/Laptop.
3. Go to My Computer >> Properties >> Device Manager >> Ports (COM & LPT) >> HUAWEI
Mobile Connect – 3G Application Interface (COM[X]), here X is the port number appear in
your system.Note down the com port number in which your huawei e1732 idea net
setter is connected.
4. Now Open “CDMA Workshop v2.7.0.exe“.
Under the “Main” tab Select Port number(“COM Settings (AT mode)”) which you have
get in step 3 and click on Connect button.
Go to “Security” tab > Type “000000” in the blank box under SPC. Click
on SPC button >> Send button with Default (nv_read) as SPC.
Now Go to “Memory” tab and in NV Items section Click on Read button. A Conform
box will appear, just click OK and you will see a NV Items Backup box. In the box “Last
NV Item” type “9999” and Click OK. Save the file by giving a file name you like (i.e.
E1732Unlockfile etc.)
Once the buffer reach 100% your file is saved successfully, now click OK on Information
Minimize the “CDMA Workshop v2.7.0.exe” application.
Now Open E1732 Downgrader application and run it. Accept the license agreement
and click Next >> Wait for a few seconds until the search for your modem finishes.
(Don’t mark “Auto remove the device after update” check box) and click next and Start
At the end of Downloading Programs… you will get an “Update Failure!” error message
box, just go ahead and click OK and then Finish.
Again Maximize “CDMA Workshop v2.7.0.exe” application.
Go to “Main” tab and Click on Finish button – Unplug your idea net setter now.
Again Plugin your idea net setter modem in the computer and again find
the Port number from device manager (as discussed in step 3)
Now go to “CDMA Workshop v2.7.0.exe” and select the Port that you noted from
your device manager
Go to “Main” tab and click on “Connect”.
Go to “Memory” tab and click on NV Items >> Write button. On confirm box click “OK”
>> “Open” dialog box will appear. Choose the file that you saved before and wait till the
buffer reaches to “100%” a “Information” dialog box appears with a success message.
Click “OK” and go to “Main” tab >> Disconnect.
Now close “CDMA Workshop v2.7.0” >> A “Confirm” dialogue box will appear >> Click
Close everything and now enable your Antivirus.That’s it! Your Idea Netsetter E1732 is
unlocked successfully.
idea net setter e1732 unlock software free download
idea net setter e1732 unlock software by nirav
how to unlock huawei e1732 idea net setter 3g
how to unlock huawei e1732 idea net setter modem
idea net setter e1732 firmware free download
huawei e1732 modem unlocker
If anyone was unable to unlock your modem through the above method means try any one of the online unlocking service
ReplyDeleteprovider like
Here you can unlock your modem by network unlock code at low cost